Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bell ringer 10/30/14

 1.  Summarize the article
The article talks about the political races in West Virginia and how the Democrats are not winning this state compared to the Republicans.

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the article?
I agree, I think that the Republicans will win and take over the State of West Virginia for many reasons but the main reason is to keep the coal industry.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Alex Mooney

Alex Mooney was born on June 7, 1971. He is a member of the Republican Party and served in the state of Maryland as Maryland State Senate representing District 3 from 1999 to 2011 and a former chairman of the Maryland Republican Party. Alex Mooney is currently running for West Virginia's 2nd Congressional district in the 2014 elections.
Alex Mooney plans to cut government spending and eliminate expensive new entitlement programs like Obamacare. He feels that our government has a spending problem and plans to reduce taxes by voting against attempts to raise them.
Alex Mooney believes strongly in Americas constitutional right to keep and bear arms. He also states that he is prolife and will fight to stop federal taxpayers funding of abortion.
Alex Mooney will support repealing No Child Left Behind and remove the federal government from making educational decision and allow teachers to develop their own curriculum.
Mooney states Obamacare has to go. He plans to support the replacement of Obamacare with common sense and allow Physicians to treat patients and save lives by removing the government.
Alex Mooney will aid in saving the coal industry that Obama is trying to force out of West Virginia causing loss jobs and hurting families.Mooney states if voted for he will bring jobs to West Virginia and aid in the economic growth in West Virginia by building and maintaining roads.Mooney states that he will fight to make sure our government does not overstep our constitutional bounds in the process of fighting terrorism by protecting our country. Mooney will support Israel but will only support hard working legal immigrants.

George Nicholas Casey Jr was born on October 19th, 1953. Nick is a West Virginia attorney and accountant. Casey is the former chairman of the West Virginia Democratic Party. Nick Casey is currently running for Congress in 2014.Nick Casey states that he has a simple plan for West Virginia by fighting to get back jobs. Nick states that if you vote him for Congress he will get to work and reach out to representatives on both sides of the aisle to develop reasonable solutions that solve problems and help the government grow and create more jobs.Nick Casey is tired of hearing about the billions of dollars the US is spending in Iraq and Afghanistan on their roads, building and infrastructure. Casey plans to prioritize spending through a budget, cut waste, find savings and apply that money where it is needed. He plans to complete the Corridor H project that was started in 1960 and build safer roads that lead to economical growth and produce more jobs in West Virginia.Just like Mooney, Casey wants to start a workable energy plan and use the resources where they are needed. He will make sure that the coal industry stays in business as well as gas and solar jobs.Nick Casey plans to aggressively squeeze waste and fraud out of our system and adjust spending priorities on what counts. Casey plans on working to put America back on the path to prosperity. Casey plans to put a stop to the waste of Social Security and Medicare by ending waste, fraud and abuse of these services as well as protecting our veterans.
If I had to vote I would vote for Mooney because he supports coal and keeping the jobs in West Virginia. I agree with his plan on removing Obamacare and allowing physicians to save lives. I also feel that his plan to protect our Country from terrorism is really important.

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

1.  How does this support your defense for the debate on Friday? 
Well first off I personally think that he should be executed because what's the point of him staying in there for life when he's going to die any ways of old age why not end him now? no point on wasting money to keep him in when he did something terrible.

2.  Do you believe that the court was correct in this instance?
Yes I do they have every right to execute him for what he did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bell RInger 10/28/14

2.  Summarize your feelings on the article in a paragraph.  (Minimum 4 sentences).
Only a very few of those laws make any sense. They are insane and crazy to make some of those real laws. Even though it says that you may not be prosecuted if you break one of them who would take the chance or even realize if they did break one of them. It also doesn't make sense who would come up with these and pass them.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/27/14

2. Answer the following questions on your blog IN COMPLETE SENTENCES:
 1.   Why are the seeking  the death penalty? They are seeking the death penalty because the captain of the ferry abandoned the ship leaving passengers to sink.

 2. Do you agree or disagree with them seeking the death penalty? I agree that they should seek the death penalty if he knew that leaving the ship was going to cause 304 other people to die.

  3. Do you believe that the dealth penalty should be allowed at all? Defend your answer in 2-3 sentences. I do agree that the death penalty should be allowed. If there is enough evidence to prove that you are guilty of killing other people or sexualy assaulting kids  than you should be put to death. The prisons are full and there is no reason for the tax payers to pay for people like that to have a hot meal daily and allow them to live stress free.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/15//14

Where does this article suggest that college graduates should look for employment?
In metro areas like Texas, Utah and in the Pacific Northwest . and the biggest cities are New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago for blue colar jobs.

Presidential Report Card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Number of Presidency: 36th president of the United States
Years in Office: November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1969
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
Lyndon Johnson dealt with crisis really well. He had dealt with the assassination of president JFK which made him president and he stepped in and did the job the best way he knew how. He led us in the Vietnam war and launching air missiles. Just like any other president he discussed all aspects of the war with the other leaders before making the final decision. 
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
Lyndon Johnson worked hard as a president. he had goals and determination and worked many hours. Lyndon Johnson could be considered pushy as he would push congress and the cabinet to do what he thought should be done. He also linked himself to deceased JFK to convince them to pass JFK's bills.
Character and Integrity
President Lyndon Johnson worked 18-20 hour days without a break. A biographer Robert Dallek stated there was no more powerful majority leader in American history. He was very powerful and it is what made him a great president. He took the time to learn about the people that were around him daily.
Lyndon Johnson did really bad in school and was refused admission to college.  He grew up very poor and found himself always in trouble. Years of odd jobs and getting in trouble Lyndon Johnson entered Texas State Teachers College. Because Johnson grew up in poverty he found himself excelling in his student teaching helping others that were very poor as well. After student Teaching Johnson later took over the school in Cotella. During his presidency Johnson was able to receive federal funding for education
Lyndon Johnson allowed the African American race to vote for the very first time. Lyndon set in motion the war on poverty causing the national poverty rate to decline and started the health care reform which created programs like head start, food stamps, medicare and medicaid. Lyndon also created federal funding for education.
Foreign Policy
Lyndon Johnson is the president known for the Vietnam War. Johnson did not like and didn't understand foreigners stating 'Foreigners are not like the folks I am use to. Some say he lacked many of the instincts and sympathies required to conduct a foreign policy. The latest studies suggests that he never really had a true foreign policy.
Relates to the common man
Lyndon Johnson relates well to the common man because he was one himself. Lyndon Johnson grew up in rural poverty and worked his way through. Lyndon learned compassion for the poverty of others. Lyndon Johnson's agenda for congress was a program that he called the "Great Society" which helped with aid to education, attack on disease, urban renewal and a wide scale fight against poverty
Lyndon Johnson persuaded the squabbling branches of government to work together. Lydon Johnson was able to get a large number of segregationists to vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Like most presidents, Lyndon Johnson knew that in order to be successful he had to master the ability to persuade.
Political Experience
Lyndon Johnson was a democrat from Texas. Johnson served as a United States Representative from 1937-1949. Lyndon Johnson was a United States Senator from 1949-1961, including 6 years as Senate majority Leader and two years as Senate Majority Whip. In 1960 Lyndon Johnson was Vice President and later became President when JFK was assassinated.
Public speaking & Communication
Lyndon Johnsons voting rights speech on March 5th, 1965 was considered a landmark of US oratory.Writer Garth E. Pauley stated that Johnson was not a gifted public speaker in general but the voting rights speech was indeed exceptional. Lyndon Johnson did not find public speaking a challenge but preferred to communicate with individuals than an audience.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/14/14

1.  What is the focus of Spurlock's short films?
His goal was to make them available to view on all media products and to show the public on what is good and bad.

2. Where is Spurlock originally from?
Spurlock was born in Parkersburg, Wv but raised in Beckley, Wv

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/13/14

1. Does this surprise you?
No This has happened in the past with facebook and text messaging from smart phones.

2. Does privacy exist when dealing with electronically transmitting messages of any type?
It doesn't exist but it should. Privacy exists for some businesses but not as much for the social media world cause there are hackers always trying to get through and some have succeeded.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/10/14

1.Do you agree or disagree that the woman in this article should be able to take her own life? Explain your answer.
I agree with her because theres no hope if there isnt any cure to help her live. With her having to deal with pain and having  seizures. But its her decision and her life so its up to her.
2.How do you differentiate between suicide and euthanasia?
Suicide is where you want to kill yourself over something or for no point you just want to end your life. Euthanasia is where you want to take your life but legally but you have to have good reason to do it. You cant just take your life for no reason with euthanasia.
3.How would you feel if you were the woman in this situation?
If I was that women I would end it because theres no cure for it and she keeps on having bad pains and seizures and I wouldnt want that either.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/9/14

1. What does this say about the economy of various regions?
That they have more time on their hands and more money than we do.

2. If given to you, would you eat the burger? why/why not?
I would try a very small piece just to say that I did it. I have never tried Kobe Wagyu beef or New Zealand venison and I really do not like any fish or seafood.

Bell Ringer 10/8/14

2. Are you surprised by the findings? Why or Why not?
No because mostly women work in those types of jobs and usually it is women who cannot get a better job so they do what they have to do in order to get more money.

3. How do you feel this issue should be addressed?
I don't think that they should get $10-$15 dollars an hour to waitress tables. They should have a certain dress code that covers their body and people should be pointed out who harrass them.

4. How should legislation be handled to deal with this?
Every restaurant should have a dress code and all menus and prices need to include a certain percentage added on to the persons bill for a tip and this should be automatic.  This way noone has to dress a certain to get more money or have to put up with it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/4/14

 1.  What do these articles attempt to do?
These articles look interesting but when you click on it they appear to be something else.

2.  What is your reaction to this?
Not surprised that there's click bait articles out there. Probably someone trying to hack your computer.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/3/14

1. What is your initial reaction to this proposed ordinance?
I thought that it really sounded crazy and didn't really understand why.

2. Do you believe this is a violation of any of your rights (listed in the Constitution or the amendments?)
Yeah you should be able to live where you want without having to pay for a permit or filling out an application

3. What would be some issues if this goes into effect?
People do not have a lot of money that live in Barbour County and making them pay to live there will cause or force them to move or receive a fine.

1. How does this article compare to the first one?
It is almost the same but a little different cause it has more details

2. Make a list of the differences between the two.
The first article sai that ALL residents must pay $25 dollars yearly and that would be current and new residents but the second article says that any person owner or tenant occupying any property prior to the approval of this Belington Occupancy Permit shall come into compliance on or before and a year after the effective date after passage it did not apply to current residents and they would not be monitored for compliance unless they were on their list for not paying their bills

3. How do you feel about this proposed ordinance now?
I think that it would be okay for new residents as Barbour County is becoming a place for out of state residents to come in and receive HUD and food stamps and not help by getting a job and instead they are bums living in our county getting free stuff while most residents work very hard every day

Bell Ringer 10/2/14

 1.  Why do many experts believe that ebola is not a worry in the US?
Because Ebola is harder to spread than most diseases.

2. What diseases do they believe Americans should worry about? Are these preventable?
The flu and Measels. Yes they are preventable by vaccines

3. What personal concerns do you have?
Flu and Measels can be prevented by yearly vaccines and washing your hands but they do not have a vaccine for Ebola and the shot they give for Ebola is rare

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/30/14

 1.  How will this change the way the court system handles a rape allegation?
It will make it harder to prove. A lot more areas that they will have to confirm before they can say someone is guilty or not.

2. Do you feel this will make the charge of rape easier or harder? Explain your reasoning
I think it will make it harder. They will have to get blood or urine from victims to prove they were intoxicated.  I think that they also need to make a law that if they find out that it is a lie that the person that lied gets a harsh punishment

Bell Ringer 10/1/14

1.  Do you believe that he should or should not have been called with a penalty? Why or Why not?
No he shouldn't have is that's apart of his religion to do that.

2.  Which amendment does this issue deal with ?
Id say the first one because it deals with religion.

 3.  How would you keep this situation from happening again?
By letting the officials know if its part of there religion that they cant penalize them for it but to hurry up and get it over with so you can finish the game.