Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/9/14

1. Are you surprised by the desperate plea of restaurants for business?  No, everyone is struggling because of the high cost of everything and no one has the extra money to just spend and eat out causing the restaurants to take a hit as well.

2. How would or will this affect the American Society?  More and more businesses will suffer the loss of money and cause places to close which means people will lose their jobs.

3. Does a business' need for profits trump the over all health of Americans?  No, I feel that they are just trying to get people in the door by spending money but yet saving money at the same time. Most of the promotions are short term which should not cause any health hazards to Americans.

4. If you could eat at any restaurant for seven weeks for $100 what would the restaurant be and what would you choose for the meal?  Texas Roadhouse, They have a variety of grilled meats and vegetables. I would pick the 9oz House Sirloin, baked potato (no butter), green beans and a salad.

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