Monday, March 30, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/30/15

I think that the co-pilot should've never been allowed on the plane with dealing with mental problems. He killed a bundle of people. He should've went through something to be allowed on it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bell Ringer 3//25/15

For people who don't have the best insurance and stuff to lower it where they can afford it .Open a public gym in parts where people can afford to go to without paying a huge fee every time. Have a store that's willing to open up with fresh fruits, vegetables, etc..

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/23/15

My opinion on it is it doesn't matter if it passes or not to me I do none of the above.

Friday, March 20, 2015

News Report

The white supremacist accused in a wild, deadly shooting spree through suburban Mesa, Arizona was being held in jail on $2 million bail after making a brief appearance before a judge on Thursday.

Ryan Giroux, a heavily tattooed ex-con and documented gang member, looked subdued in the videotaped hearing, in which he did little more than say his name.

He was ordered back into court later this month to face 23 criminal counts, including murder, attempted murder, assault, armed robbery, carjacking, burglary and weapons charges, stemming from the Wednesday's rampage, which left one man dead and five others injured.

Authorities on Thursday also released a detailed account of the violent frenzy, which began at about 8:30 a.m. outside the Tri City Motel on West Main Street. Witnesses told police they saw Giroux, 41, fire into Room 102, where he hit a guest, David Williams, William's mother, Lydia Nelson, according to an arrest warrant. Williams, shot twice, died. People scattered, and Giroux kept firing, hitting one woman, Jessica Burgess, who was hit in the thigh.

Giroux then fled to a nearby restaurant called The Bistro, where he demanded car keys from a patron, police said. When the patron, Isaac Martinez, tried to run, Giroux shot him in the shoulder. Giroux demanded car keys from a second man, who gave them up. Giroux fled in that man's Honda Accord.

The gunman drove a few blocks and stopped at an apartment complex on South Dobson Road, where he forced his way at gunpoint into an apartment occupied by a couple, their grandson and the grandson's girfriend, police said. Giroux demanded car keys from the grandson, Donovan Worker, then punched him in the face and shot him in the upper arm.

Giroux moved on to a nearby condominium complex, where he shot a maintenance worker, Marcus Butler before barricading himself in an empty apartment, police said. Butler was hospitalized in critical condition.

A police SWAT team showed up at the vacant unit and took him into custody after a struggle in which he was shot with a Taser and sustained injuries to his head, face and legs, police said.

Giroux has done several stretches in Arizona prisons for a variety of crimes, including assault, burglary and theft. He was released in 2013, and he was on probation at the time of the rampage, authorities said.

Mark Potok, editor of Hatewatch, a bulletin on hate crimes published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, reported that the many tattoos on Giroux's face and torso were associated with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. Specifically, Potok wrote, the number 88 on his left temple is neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler," since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

Potok quoted a retired Mesa police detective who identified Giroux as a member of a skinhead group called Hammerskin Nation.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/16/15

1) What is the article discussing? This article is discussing how social media spreads the news across several media sites

2) What do you believe that this good for the news? I think that it helps spread news across the world quickly and boosts the news ratings.

3) Do you think this will affect public opinion, and discussions about topics? Yes it will affect public opinion and discussions and it can also help cause more issues when people disagree with each other

Bell Ringer 3/13/15

1) What is the article discussing? This article is to eliminate the need for a concealed carry permit in WV and those who are 18 and under 21 in the military to carry also.

2) What is an argument for this bill passing the rest of the way?  Gun violence would increase and that more guns would end up in the hands of criminals. And a safety concern for law enforcement.

3) What is an argument against? That this is giving criminals a way to get their hands on guns but in return it states that it is for law-abiding citizens to have a fair playing ground

4) What is your opinion? I think that it is putting law enforcement lives in more danger and that they need to make harsher rules for using their weapon illegally. I do not agree that Military people under the age of 21 should be allowed to carry since so many are discharged as soon as they join and it will make it harder to know who is allowed to have one and who isn't.

Bell Ringer 3/11/15

1.What is the article talking about? It's a Bill that President Obama is proposing for students that are in debt to make it easier for them to pay back their student loans and for those that will be applying for loans to make the whole process less complicated.

2.Why is this significant for you? For seniors graduating and going to college this will make it easier for them to apply and receive reasonable student loans

3. What is your opinion on this? I think that this is a good bill to pass. Students that couldn't afford to go to college will be able too and then they will not spend the rest of their life trying to pay back student loans.

Bell Ringer 3/10/15

1. What is the article stating? This article is stating that even though people may think that smoking pot occasionally will not harm them when they conducted this research it shows that between the ages of 18-25 your brain is still developing and it will cause harm.

2. Does this adjust your view on this topic? In a way it does adjust my view and in a way it doesn't-

3. Why or why not? (Use a valid argument) It does adjust my view because all previous research says that it does not cause any harm and now this article is stating different. But no matter what pot alters the way you think which to me is no different than alcohol.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/17/15

1.What is this article talking about?
Education publisher Pearson monitoring social media activity.

2.How does this affect you?
It doesn't affect me. It affects other students

3.What is your opinion?
Ignorant for monitoring other students. No need for that.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/3/15

1. What is the article discussing?
The article talks about how the Senate approves bill allowing for indoor smoking exemptions

2. What is one argument for the passing of this bill?
 Money being lost

3. What is one argument against?
It gets in the air and people could possibly get sick

4. What is your opinion on this, and what do you think should be done?

My opinion on it, it shouldn't be allowed to smoke inside. Outside is where its made for.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/2/15

1.What is being discussed in the article?
Repealing the common core standards.

2. What was one concern about the common core standards that was raised?

3. If it was your choice what would you do with standards and testing? Examples: Go back to previous standards and tests, continue using these until we find something else, or ect.  

Get rid of them because teachers don't teach whats on the test.