Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/13/15

1) What is the article discussing? This article is to eliminate the need for a concealed carry permit in WV and those who are 18 and under 21 in the military to carry also.

2) What is an argument for this bill passing the rest of the way?  Gun violence would increase and that more guns would end up in the hands of criminals. And a safety concern for law enforcement.

3) What is an argument against? That this is giving criminals a way to get their hands on guns but in return it states that it is for law-abiding citizens to have a fair playing ground

4) What is your opinion? I think that it is putting law enforcement lives in more danger and that they need to make harsher rules for using their weapon illegally. I do not agree that Military people under the age of 21 should be allowed to carry since so many are discharged as soon as they join and it will make it harder to know who is allowed to have one and who isn't.

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