Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Briefly summarize each of the Articles of the Constitution.

Article 1
Article of the Constitution that defines the Legislative Branch, it's powers, members, and workings.
Article 2
Article of the Constitution that defines the Executive Branch, it's powers, duties, and means of removal.
Article 3
Article of the Constitution that sets up the Judicial Branch and defines treason.
Article 4
Article of the Constitution that regulates the states' powers, and their interaction with the National government.
Article 5
Article of the Constitution that sets up the amendment process.
Article 6
Article of the Constitution that sets the status of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to which leaders must be loyal.
Article 7
Article of the Constitution that addresses ratification and declares that the constitution should take affect if 9 out of 13 states ratify.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell RInger 8/27/14

The article is about how undergraduates came up with a new kind of nail polish that can detect the date rape drug. The nail polish changes colors if it detects that the drink has been messed with. The drawbacks of it could be that the person who knows about it and they did it to someone and they see that the person is stirring there drink and it changes color well they are caught and could take the person out. Or the person could get an allergic break out from it or the color changes in every drink they put there finger in.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/26/14

U.S. surveillance flights over Syria have started. USA today have reported that the flights will reported that the flights will provide information on potential targets for strikes in Syria of Obama approves.The initiative to plan intelligence was surveillance and reconnaissance missions over Syria was contained in the execution order that allowed for the airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/25/14

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article
The article is about an after shock that was magnitude-6.0. It took out buildings and people. The quake which knocked out power also hit a wine making industry on the eve of its harvest, and could result in more then $100 million in losses. At least 172 people were treated for injuries after the quake. Alot of buisness will be up and running but without a doubt there will be a financial hardship but they will get through it.
2. Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary.
The early morning earthquake centered about 6.7 miles underneath Northern California's wine country.  It's like most locales along the Pacific rim where the ocean crust and continental crust clash to create numerous faults and quakes.  All earthquakes spring from faults deep underground, but it can take scientists some time to identify the particular type of fault-line activity behind a specific earthquake. Which will be the case with Sunday’s Napa Valley quake since some reports said the quake was caused by the Franklin Fault, a crack in the Earth that they thought was dormant.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

The three biggest problems that the United States is facing is drugs, welfare, and exercise. There is so many ways we could eliminate the problems and make everything better and take things off the streets and get people working instead of staying at home and not doing nothing all day and getting out of shape unhealthy people motivated and get them doing things.

First off drugs, Drugs are everywhere and yes they are going to be hard to get off the streets but if there's a problem there's a solution as well. Depending on what kind of drugs the person is taking if its killing them let it kill them it would be one less person you would have to worry about. taking drugs off the streets are without a doubt going to be hard but if you know what to do you could easily set up someone and then take it back to the police and give them all the information and get them busted.

Second off welfare, Welfare is something that people with a disease or disability should get not someone who is just wanting not wanting to go out and make money but just to lay around all day that's unacceptable in my eyes you man up and go out and get a job so you can support your family and or yourself and you'll eventually see that in the end it will pay off. To be on welfare is you're just being lazy is embarrassing I mean who would want to get made fun of every day or people hating you because while you're at home not doing a thing other people are out here busting their butt to pay for you. So man up and go out a get a job unless you have a serious disease or a bad disability where you can't work but other then that get a job!!  

Exercise should be an everyday thing but you need it no matter what don't say you don't have time when you do. If you're out of shape everyone knows that the last thing on your mind is exercise well it wont kill you it will make you feel better by the end of the day. At the beginning it may feel rough and that you don't want to do it but if you keep at it guaranteed results will show and you will start living a healthier lifestyle and start feeling better about yourself and get yourself on a healthy diet instead of greasy food look for different ways to make it because it may seem stressful at the  start but when you start feeling better about yourself you know its paying off so you continue to do it.

That's some problems I think the United States is facing but if you do it right it will pay off or go get a job and not do drugs you will be a normal person and everything will start to come together and at the end of the day you will feel better about yourself and be thankful that you have a job and not on welfare and you exercise daily and not on drugs.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph

The article is about companies switching over or finding loopholes and also finding ways to lower tax jurisdictions. A company called Chiquita may be the next big company to invert. The company said that it would move forward with a plan to merge with an Irish company. Compainies are wanting to invert so they can spend piles of cash that they can't bring home becuase of a tax bill. Inversions are also much better from a corporations point of veiw because they can shift profits earned in the U.S. to it's lower tax overseas.

2.  What is the purpose of taxes?

To provide a revenue stream for government

To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor

To avoid negative externalities

3. Who should pay the most taxes?

Everyone should pay taxes yes it would be nice not to but its a way of life and you got to.
Whoever makes more money should pay more but not where you cant afford them becuase they are to high.

Bell Ringer 8/21/14

Research the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS.  Copy and paste two sites you visit about the event.  Then answer the questions: 1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?  What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything?

1. Its good its for a cause so its all worth it I think
2. Id say its probably been effective they've probably have raised a good amount of money so somewhere in it its benefitting it.
3. Do it in winter time where there is snow then dump the cold water on your head.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bell Ringer for 8/19/14

1.  Identify at least two mistakes made by local, county or state governments that have helped to increase an already tense situation.

President Obama releases a statement regarding the Brown incident. Its now making it worse since he's stepped in. Not being racial but now its going to be a big thing.
Tensions rise between protesters and police for the third consecutive night.

 2.  In your opinion, define excessive force.  Was excessive force used in the shooting of Michael Brown?

Excessive force where they take it to a whole other level of force.

Excessive force may have been in play but when he was wrestling for his gun that should of never happen he knew what he did wrong and should've stopped right then and there when police caught him.
3.  How would you restore order to Ferguson, MO?
I would've investigated it more and got more into it  then what did.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BELL RINGER for 8/18/2014

Dear Chandler,

What I hope to accomplish before the end of my high school career is get a top 3 in GNCC to finish out the year with and a high overall number.The beginning  of the 2015 GNCC series which starts in March I hope to kick off the season with a top ten since I will be moving up with pros and just trying to keep on better myself from there on out and how I can improve my skills and just reach the pro level and keep reaching accomplishments and start getting paid for racing and doing what I love every single day.

On August 18th 2015 I see myself waking up early going for a twenty plus mile road bike ride and then heading to the gym for training session and  going riding everyday to keep on improving myself and getting the quads dialed in perfect so it fits me just right and gets me more comfortable so then ill be getting my body physically fit and more ready for racing. Hopefully in the next year or  two I will eventually move and start making my own money from racing. My expectations are to better myself and get my on the right track to heading towards the pro class and getting big and making the big bucks and showing up in freight liners to the races and becoming factory Yamaha and getting paid from them. That's my expectations and how I need to prove myself and what I want to do with my life and how I want to do.
