Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph

The article is about companies switching over or finding loopholes and also finding ways to lower tax jurisdictions. A company called Chiquita may be the next big company to invert. The company said that it would move forward with a plan to merge with an Irish company. Compainies are wanting to invert so they can spend piles of cash that they can't bring home becuase of a tax bill. Inversions are also much better from a corporations point of veiw because they can shift profits earned in the U.S. to it's lower tax overseas.

2.  What is the purpose of taxes?

To provide a revenue stream for government

To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor

To avoid negative externalities

3. Who should pay the most taxes?

Everyone should pay taxes yes it would be nice not to but its a way of life and you got to.
Whoever makes more money should pay more but not where you cant afford them becuase they are to high.

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