Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

2. What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker? 

I think it is good it shows that WV isn't how everyone thinks it is and we do have very smart people young and old. It is actually something good on the news for WV instead of bad.

3. Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature. Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.

I think it could be both ways I do not see how she will have the time to do this job and be a full time college student. She is only 18 and can be influenced to listen to her friends and also it depends on how much she has kept up over the years. Having her dad also in office will help her out with areas that she needs and to keep her on track.

Cost of Colleges – the cost of college is outrageous and needs to be lowered. Young people today already have a disadvantage coming out of college having so much debt before they even get to start their careers.  No one should have to pay to learn and be successful. If I win the election I will work to lower the cost of education by 50% which will reduce the finance burdens graduates face today.

Crime rate at an all time high – The crime rate is going up and people fear for their lives and what they have worked for over the years. In order to keep the crime rate down we need to get the handcuffs off of the police and back on the streets. I will work personally with law enforcement and our government to come up with a more stable plan. We will work together to develop a punishment plan that will make criminals think twice before committing a crime.

Death Penalty- We need to quit paying for people who live on death row for years and years. WV needs to bring the Death Penalty to this state. If a person is convicted of a harsh crime that should seek the death penalty and found guilty then they need to be put to death. I will develop a team of investigators that will only work on cases where people were convicted and sentenced to death. They will have one year to make sure that the prisoner is guilty of the crime they committed and after that year is up if all evidence still points to the prisoner than an action plan will be put into place.

Overcrowding of jails in America – Just like the Death Penalty we need to keep prisoners from filling up space in the jails and costing the tax payers money. If prisoners had to work while being in jail they would think twice about committing crimes and coming back. All prisoners will work for their food. They will grow gardens and tend to farm animals. They will become ground keepers and clean and maintain the facilities that they live in. No more three free meals a day free education and gym to stay fit. They will get plenty of exercise and on the job experience taking care of the jail and preparing their food. I will put this plan into action within one year of my term.

Welfare Reform- Welfare is on the high rise in this state. Everyone on Welfare will receive a drug test and a home visit. We need to make sure that the people who receive food stamps are feeding their kids. A meal plan will be put into place for them. Instead of using their food stamp money on all steaks they will have to purchase a complete meal for each night of the week that includes breakfast and lunch food. People receiving welfare and can work will have to provide proof that they are seeking employment and failure to provide this information will result in losing their welfare and a shelter kitchen will be provided for the children to come and eat.  I will make sure that we have less people on the streets and more working taking care of their families.

I would say that I have a lot of the Republican views. I think that people should stop living off of the government and other people and take care of their own. I do not really believe in the rise of taxes but if higher paying jobs could become available then it would help.  I feel that we should always think of new jobs and ideas to make this a better place to live. I think that we should always provide for our military and give them the best equipment that they need in order to protect us.

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