Thursday, November 6, 2014

Icivics Notes

How will you raise safety about roads? Raising Safety standards in cars and creating bicycle lanes will keep everyone safer on the roads

What will you do to improve school lunches? More choices. Kids are tired of eating the same old thing day after day... the choices will be healthy of course

How might you make drugs harder to get in our schools? Harsher punishments for selling drugs near schools will keep drugs away from students.

Do you think global warming is a serious issue? Of course, it is a very serious issue because we need to think about the long term effects that our choices have.

How will you encourage kids to be more active? Kids need to make smart choices about staying active. Teaching them about being fit is the way to go.

I ended up voting for the lady. The guys choices were really good at first and the first three above were his answers but then he really started answering in a way a young kid would answer and she started making more sense with her answers so I voted for her cause I like her logical views on global warming and encouraging kids to be more active.

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