Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/10/14

1.  Why will Manchin's role change in 2015
 His role will change because the Republicans have won the new election

2.  What is currently the most important legislation that Manchin is working on?
 To get legislation to expand background check requirements for gun purchasers.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Icivics Notes

How will you raise safety about roads? Raising Safety standards in cars and creating bicycle lanes will keep everyone safer on the roads

What will you do to improve school lunches? More choices. Kids are tired of eating the same old thing day after day... the choices will be healthy of course

How might you make drugs harder to get in our schools? Harsher punishments for selling drugs near schools will keep drugs away from students.

Do you think global warming is a serious issue? Of course, it is a very serious issue because we need to think about the long term effects that our choices have.

How will you encourage kids to be more active? Kids need to make smart choices about staying active. Teaching them about being fit is the way to go.

I ended up voting for the lady. The guys choices were really good at first and the first three above were his answers but then he really started answering in a way a young kid would answer and she started making more sense with her answers so I voted for her cause I like her logical views on global warming and encouraging kids to be more active.

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

2. What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker? 

I think it is good it shows that WV isn't how everyone thinks it is and we do have very smart people young and old. It is actually something good on the news for WV instead of bad.

3. Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature. Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.

I think it could be both ways I do not see how she will have the time to do this job and be a full time college student. She is only 18 and can be influenced to listen to her friends and also it depends on how much she has kept up over the years. Having her dad also in office will help her out with areas that she needs and to keep her on track.

Cost of Colleges – the cost of college is outrageous and needs to be lowered. Young people today already have a disadvantage coming out of college having so much debt before they even get to start their careers.  No one should have to pay to learn and be successful. If I win the election I will work to lower the cost of education by 50% which will reduce the finance burdens graduates face today.

Crime rate at an all time high – The crime rate is going up and people fear for their lives and what they have worked for over the years. In order to keep the crime rate down we need to get the handcuffs off of the police and back on the streets. I will work personally with law enforcement and our government to come up with a more stable plan. We will work together to develop a punishment plan that will make criminals think twice before committing a crime.

Death Penalty- We need to quit paying for people who live on death row for years and years. WV needs to bring the Death Penalty to this state. If a person is convicted of a harsh crime that should seek the death penalty and found guilty then they need to be put to death. I will develop a team of investigators that will only work on cases where people were convicted and sentenced to death. They will have one year to make sure that the prisoner is guilty of the crime they committed and after that year is up if all evidence still points to the prisoner than an action plan will be put into place.

Overcrowding of jails in America – Just like the Death Penalty we need to keep prisoners from filling up space in the jails and costing the tax payers money. If prisoners had to work while being in jail they would think twice about committing crimes and coming back. All prisoners will work for their food. They will grow gardens and tend to farm animals. They will become ground keepers and clean and maintain the facilities that they live in. No more three free meals a day free education and gym to stay fit. They will get plenty of exercise and on the job experience taking care of the jail and preparing their food. I will put this plan into action within one year of my term.

Welfare Reform- Welfare is on the high rise in this state. Everyone on Welfare will receive a drug test and a home visit. We need to make sure that the people who receive food stamps are feeding their kids. A meal plan will be put into place for them. Instead of using their food stamp money on all steaks they will have to purchase a complete meal for each night of the week that includes breakfast and lunch food. People receiving welfare and can work will have to provide proof that they are seeking employment and failure to provide this information will result in losing their welfare and a shelter kitchen will be provided for the children to come and eat.  I will make sure that we have less people on the streets and more working taking care of their families.

I would say that I have a lot of the Republican views. I think that people should stop living off of the government and other people and take care of their own. I do not really believe in the rise of taxes but if higher paying jobs could become available then it would help.  I feel that we should always think of new jobs and ideas to make this a better place to live. I think that we should always provide for our military and give them the best equipment that they need in order to protect us.

Bell Ringer 11/5/14

Go to or and research the election results for Barbour County and the state of WV. Summarize the results and the voter turn out. Were more winners democratic or republican? Were more male or female? Were there more incumbents that won or not? Answer why are elections important? Why do we have elections? Why do you think it is important to vote?

The election votes in Barbour County were Tim McDaniel Republican for County Commission and Phil Ferguson Democrat for Sheriff.  There was only a 37 percent turnout which is one of the lowest since 1950. Republicans won this state as Shelly Moore Capito won US Senator for WV and David McKinley won US House of Representatives. Most of the ones that won were male Republicans. For the House of Delegates the Democrats lost 19 seats to the Republicans and for State Senate 8 seats were flipped from Democrat to Republican which is now 17 to 17.

Elections are important so that they people can vote for people who have the same views and thoughts on how things should be ran in our State and County. We have elections for that reason so that we can get someone in certain areas to get things done the right way. I feel that if we didn't vote than we would could end up with one persons view on everything and it could make people lose jobs and money. Everything changes and the people in offices should change to so that we can always have a fresh start.

Bell Ringer 11/3/14

1. Write a summary of her argument.
Brittany had brain cancer and there was no cure for it and the side effects of chemotherapy would even be worse. She suffered from head and neck pain and sever seizures. She wanted to die with dignity instead of her family watching her suffer and her going through all of the pain everyday until the day she would pass away

2. What argument do those that oppose the right to die with dignity put forth?
The people who oppose are saying that it is a form of suicide even if it is with help it is still her taking her own life.

3. What is your opinion?
No one wants to suffer and be in pain everyday but there is a religious side to this and it seems to be just like suicide which is wrong.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bell ringer 10/30/14

 1.  Summarize the article
The article talks about the political races in West Virginia and how the Democrats are not winning this state compared to the Republicans.

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the article?
I agree, I think that the Republicans will win and take over the State of West Virginia for many reasons but the main reason is to keep the coal industry.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Alex Mooney

Alex Mooney was born on June 7, 1971. He is a member of the Republican Party and served in the state of Maryland as Maryland State Senate representing District 3 from 1999 to 2011 and a former chairman of the Maryland Republican Party. Alex Mooney is currently running for West Virginia's 2nd Congressional district in the 2014 elections.
Alex Mooney plans to cut government spending and eliminate expensive new entitlement programs like Obamacare. He feels that our government has a spending problem and plans to reduce taxes by voting against attempts to raise them.
Alex Mooney believes strongly in Americas constitutional right to keep and bear arms. He also states that he is prolife and will fight to stop federal taxpayers funding of abortion.
Alex Mooney will support repealing No Child Left Behind and remove the federal government from making educational decision and allow teachers to develop their own curriculum.
Mooney states Obamacare has to go. He plans to support the replacement of Obamacare with common sense and allow Physicians to treat patients and save lives by removing the government.
Alex Mooney will aid in saving the coal industry that Obama is trying to force out of West Virginia causing loss jobs and hurting families.Mooney states if voted for he will bring jobs to West Virginia and aid in the economic growth in West Virginia by building and maintaining roads.Mooney states that he will fight to make sure our government does not overstep our constitutional bounds in the process of fighting terrorism by protecting our country. Mooney will support Israel but will only support hard working legal immigrants.

George Nicholas Casey Jr was born on October 19th, 1953. Nick is a West Virginia attorney and accountant. Casey is the former chairman of the West Virginia Democratic Party. Nick Casey is currently running for Congress in 2014.Nick Casey states that he has a simple plan for West Virginia by fighting to get back jobs. Nick states that if you vote him for Congress he will get to work and reach out to representatives on both sides of the aisle to develop reasonable solutions that solve problems and help the government grow and create more jobs.Nick Casey is tired of hearing about the billions of dollars the US is spending in Iraq and Afghanistan on their roads, building and infrastructure. Casey plans to prioritize spending through a budget, cut waste, find savings and apply that money where it is needed. He plans to complete the Corridor H project that was started in 1960 and build safer roads that lead to economical growth and produce more jobs in West Virginia.Just like Mooney, Casey wants to start a workable energy plan and use the resources where they are needed. He will make sure that the coal industry stays in business as well as gas and solar jobs.Nick Casey plans to aggressively squeeze waste and fraud out of our system and adjust spending priorities on what counts. Casey plans on working to put America back on the path to prosperity. Casey plans to put a stop to the waste of Social Security and Medicare by ending waste, fraud and abuse of these services as well as protecting our veterans.
If I had to vote I would vote for Mooney because he supports coal and keeping the jobs in West Virginia. I agree with his plan on removing Obamacare and allowing physicians to save lives. I also feel that his plan to protect our Country from terrorism is really important.

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

1.  How does this support your defense for the debate on Friday? 
Well first off I personally think that he should be executed because what's the point of him staying in there for life when he's going to die any ways of old age why not end him now? no point on wasting money to keep him in when he did something terrible.

2.  Do you believe that the court was correct in this instance?
Yes I do they have every right to execute him for what he did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bell RInger 10/28/14

2.  Summarize your feelings on the article in a paragraph.  (Minimum 4 sentences).
Only a very few of those laws make any sense. They are insane and crazy to make some of those real laws. Even though it says that you may not be prosecuted if you break one of them who would take the chance or even realize if they did break one of them. It also doesn't make sense who would come up with these and pass them.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/27/14

2. Answer the following questions on your blog IN COMPLETE SENTENCES:
 1.   Why are the seeking  the death penalty? They are seeking the death penalty because the captain of the ferry abandoned the ship leaving passengers to sink.

 2. Do you agree or disagree with them seeking the death penalty? I agree that they should seek the death penalty if he knew that leaving the ship was going to cause 304 other people to die.

  3. Do you believe that the dealth penalty should be allowed at all? Defend your answer in 2-3 sentences. I do agree that the death penalty should be allowed. If there is enough evidence to prove that you are guilty of killing other people or sexualy assaulting kids  than you should be put to death. The prisons are full and there is no reason for the tax payers to pay for people like that to have a hot meal daily and allow them to live stress free.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/15//14

Where does this article suggest that college graduates should look for employment?
In metro areas like Texas, Utah and in the Pacific Northwest . and the biggest cities are New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago for blue colar jobs.

Presidential Report Card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Number of Presidency: 36th president of the United States
Years in Office: November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1969
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
Lyndon Johnson dealt with crisis really well. He had dealt with the assassination of president JFK which made him president and he stepped in and did the job the best way he knew how. He led us in the Vietnam war and launching air missiles. Just like any other president he discussed all aspects of the war with the other leaders before making the final decision. 
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
Lyndon Johnson worked hard as a president. he had goals and determination and worked many hours. Lyndon Johnson could be considered pushy as he would push congress and the cabinet to do what he thought should be done. He also linked himself to deceased JFK to convince them to pass JFK's bills.
Character and Integrity
President Lyndon Johnson worked 18-20 hour days without a break. A biographer Robert Dallek stated there was no more powerful majority leader in American history. He was very powerful and it is what made him a great president. He took the time to learn about the people that were around him daily.
Lyndon Johnson did really bad in school and was refused admission to college.  He grew up very poor and found himself always in trouble. Years of odd jobs and getting in trouble Lyndon Johnson entered Texas State Teachers College. Because Johnson grew up in poverty he found himself excelling in his student teaching helping others that were very poor as well. After student Teaching Johnson later took over the school in Cotella. During his presidency Johnson was able to receive federal funding for education
Lyndon Johnson allowed the African American race to vote for the very first time. Lyndon set in motion the war on poverty causing the national poverty rate to decline and started the health care reform which created programs like head start, food stamps, medicare and medicaid. Lyndon also created federal funding for education.
Foreign Policy
Lyndon Johnson is the president known for the Vietnam War. Johnson did not like and didn't understand foreigners stating 'Foreigners are not like the folks I am use to. Some say he lacked many of the instincts and sympathies required to conduct a foreign policy. The latest studies suggests that he never really had a true foreign policy.
Relates to the common man
Lyndon Johnson relates well to the common man because he was one himself. Lyndon Johnson grew up in rural poverty and worked his way through. Lyndon learned compassion for the poverty of others. Lyndon Johnson's agenda for congress was a program that he called the "Great Society" which helped with aid to education, attack on disease, urban renewal and a wide scale fight against poverty
Lyndon Johnson persuaded the squabbling branches of government to work together. Lydon Johnson was able to get a large number of segregationists to vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Like most presidents, Lyndon Johnson knew that in order to be successful he had to master the ability to persuade.
Political Experience
Lyndon Johnson was a democrat from Texas. Johnson served as a United States Representative from 1937-1949. Lyndon Johnson was a United States Senator from 1949-1961, including 6 years as Senate majority Leader and two years as Senate Majority Whip. In 1960 Lyndon Johnson was Vice President and later became President when JFK was assassinated.
Public speaking & Communication
Lyndon Johnsons voting rights speech on March 5th, 1965 was considered a landmark of US oratory.Writer Garth E. Pauley stated that Johnson was not a gifted public speaker in general but the voting rights speech was indeed exceptional. Lyndon Johnson did not find public speaking a challenge but preferred to communicate with individuals than an audience.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/14/14

1.  What is the focus of Spurlock's short films?
His goal was to make them available to view on all media products and to show the public on what is good and bad.

2. Where is Spurlock originally from?
Spurlock was born in Parkersburg, Wv but raised in Beckley, Wv

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/13/14

1. Does this surprise you?
No This has happened in the past with facebook and text messaging from smart phones.

2. Does privacy exist when dealing with electronically transmitting messages of any type?
It doesn't exist but it should. Privacy exists for some businesses but not as much for the social media world cause there are hackers always trying to get through and some have succeeded.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/10/14

1.Do you agree or disagree that the woman in this article should be able to take her own life? Explain your answer.
I agree with her because theres no hope if there isnt any cure to help her live. With her having to deal with pain and having  seizures. But its her decision and her life so its up to her.
2.How do you differentiate between suicide and euthanasia?
Suicide is where you want to kill yourself over something or for no point you just want to end your life. Euthanasia is where you want to take your life but legally but you have to have good reason to do it. You cant just take your life for no reason with euthanasia.
3.How would you feel if you were the woman in this situation?
If I was that women I would end it because theres no cure for it and she keeps on having bad pains and seizures and I wouldnt want that either.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/9/14

1. What does this say about the economy of various regions?
That they have more time on their hands and more money than we do.

2. If given to you, would you eat the burger? why/why not?
I would try a very small piece just to say that I did it. I have never tried Kobe Wagyu beef or New Zealand venison and I really do not like any fish or seafood.

Bell Ringer 10/8/14

2. Are you surprised by the findings? Why or Why not?
No because mostly women work in those types of jobs and usually it is women who cannot get a better job so they do what they have to do in order to get more money.

3. How do you feel this issue should be addressed?
I don't think that they should get $10-$15 dollars an hour to waitress tables. They should have a certain dress code that covers their body and people should be pointed out who harrass them.

4. How should legislation be handled to deal with this?
Every restaurant should have a dress code and all menus and prices need to include a certain percentage added on to the persons bill for a tip and this should be automatic.  This way noone has to dress a certain to get more money or have to put up with it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/4/14

 1.  What do these articles attempt to do?
These articles look interesting but when you click on it they appear to be something else.

2.  What is your reaction to this?
Not surprised that there's click bait articles out there. Probably someone trying to hack your computer.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/3/14

1. What is your initial reaction to this proposed ordinance?
I thought that it really sounded crazy and didn't really understand why.

2. Do you believe this is a violation of any of your rights (listed in the Constitution or the amendments?)
Yeah you should be able to live where you want without having to pay for a permit or filling out an application

3. What would be some issues if this goes into effect?
People do not have a lot of money that live in Barbour County and making them pay to live there will cause or force them to move or receive a fine.

1. How does this article compare to the first one?
It is almost the same but a little different cause it has more details

2. Make a list of the differences between the two.
The first article sai that ALL residents must pay $25 dollars yearly and that would be current and new residents but the second article says that any person owner or tenant occupying any property prior to the approval of this Belington Occupancy Permit shall come into compliance on or before and a year after the effective date after passage it did not apply to current residents and they would not be monitored for compliance unless they were on their list for not paying their bills

3. How do you feel about this proposed ordinance now?
I think that it would be okay for new residents as Barbour County is becoming a place for out of state residents to come in and receive HUD and food stamps and not help by getting a job and instead they are bums living in our county getting free stuff while most residents work very hard every day

Bell Ringer 10/2/14

 1.  Why do many experts believe that ebola is not a worry in the US?
Because Ebola is harder to spread than most diseases.

2. What diseases do they believe Americans should worry about? Are these preventable?
The flu and Measels. Yes they are preventable by vaccines

3. What personal concerns do you have?
Flu and Measels can be prevented by yearly vaccines and washing your hands but they do not have a vaccine for Ebola and the shot they give for Ebola is rare

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/30/14

 1.  How will this change the way the court system handles a rape allegation?
It will make it harder to prove. A lot more areas that they will have to confirm before they can say someone is guilty or not.

2. Do you feel this will make the charge of rape easier or harder? Explain your reasoning
I think it will make it harder. They will have to get blood or urine from victims to prove they were intoxicated.  I think that they also need to make a law that if they find out that it is a lie that the person that lied gets a harsh punishment

Bell Ringer 10/1/14

1.  Do you believe that he should or should not have been called with a penalty? Why or Why not?
No he shouldn't have is that's apart of his religion to do that.

2.  Which amendment does this issue deal with ?
Id say the first one because it deals with religion.

 3.  How would you keep this situation from happening again?
By letting the officials know if its part of there religion that they cant penalize them for it but to hurry up and get it over with so you can finish the game.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/29/14

1.  Why are they protesting?

They are protesting because  there social media got blocked by the government  and now they are protesting.

2.  What rights are they wanting that we may take for granted each day?

They are not allowed to have acces to computer softwares that no one can take away from us. The government of China controls 95% of everything they have and do.

1. Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with one of the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.

The U.S. Forest Service stated on Thursday that a proposed policy change will not interfere with news-gathering groups’ constitutional rights to take pictures on federal wilderness property, following a backlash from First Amendment supporters.
“The U.S. Forest Service remains committed to the First Amendment,”  “The directive pertains to commercial photography and filming only. If you’re there to gather news or take recreational photographs, no permit would be required.” While some states have been asked to get Forest Service permits for their still photography of the forests in the past 4 years.

2. Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with Amendments 11-27. Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.

Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner and John Conyers and Senator Patrick Leahy introduced legislation to strengthen the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the opening of the Supreme Court’s decision last June invalidating a critical section of the VRA. The legislation, known as “The Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014,” represents the first attempt by a bipartisan group in Congress to reinstate the vital protections of the VRA that the court took away.

3. Find a court case that deals with one of the amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the court case.

For the first 100 years of America's history, the Bill of Rights — protecting rights of free speech and religion, among others — limited only what the federal government could do. The states had a much freer hand to act as they wished.
Two years ago was the first time the court ruled that the Second Amendment right to bear arms is an individual right and not how the court had long implied, a right guaranteed for military purposes. The 2008 decision invalidated a ban on handguns in the District of Columbia, but because the nation's capital is federal the ruling applied only to federal laws.
Now the court is hearing a challenge to a similar handgun ban in Chicago. And the question is whether the Second Amendment also applies to state and local laws.
The case was brought by Otis McDonald, a retired maintenance engineer, who grew up on a farm in Louisiana shooting rabbits and squirrels. McDonald says he now wants a handgun to fend off youngsters in his Chicago neighborhood, where he says his home has been broken into three times. Chicago's attorneys say the city allows individuals to have long guns in their homes, but not handguns because they are easily stolen and used by criminals, or fired accidentally (sometimes even by children) or on purpose in domestic violence situations.

4. Find a court case that deals with one amendment between 11-27. Write a summary of the court case.

In 1996, Linda Frew and other citizens settled a class-action lawsuit in federal district court against the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Settlement was reached through a consent agree, in which the parties make an agreement that is subject to court supervision. As part of this consent, Texas was supposed to improve health care for poor children to comply with a federally mandated program called Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. Two years later, Frew and others remained unsatisfied that Texas was complying with the federal requirements, and asked the court to force Texas to create a plan for how it would improve health care. Texas refused, however, claiming that it was immune from the court order under the 11th Amendment, which provides for state sovereignty. Texas argued that because no federal rights had been violated, suit could not be brought in federal court. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Texas.

5. Choose one amendment from 1-27 that you would like to have apply to your life (and you loose the other 26 amendments, and the rights they protect).

The right to freedom of speech. Guns can protect you but not as much as being able to speak the truth.

1.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with one of the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10).  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.

 2.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with Amendments 11-27.  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.

3.  Find a court case that deals with one of the amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the court case.

4.  Find a court case that deals with one amendment between 11-27.  Write a summary of the court case.

5.  Choose one amendment from 1-27 that you would like to have apply to your life (and you loose the other 26 amendments, and the rights they protect).

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/26/14

1.  What does the low percentage of adults in WV with a bachelors degree (4 year degree) indicate to you?
Indicates that less people are going to college  in WV or they are going and dropping out. Also indicates that people with a high school they make slightly more then $20,000 and people with a bachelor degree is making more then $50,000
2.   Why do you think the percentage is so low?
The percentages maybe low because people are probably not wanting to go to college or be able to afford college. Or they went to trade school for learning.

3.  List one possible solution to increasing the number of college graduates in WV.
One solution maybe  stressing to people that if you do go to college you will make more money.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bell RInger 9/25/14

1.  What point did the president attempt to make.
He wanted all countries and religions (Islam) to reject the extremist and stand by his decision.

2. Rate how effective you believe he was in persuading other nations to help.
He gave valid points but we really do not know how the other countries are going to react.  In the past they have stood behind us and then turned their backs on us.  I think that he has their attention and needs to keep it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/24/14

1. Do you agree with the new policy?
Yes, I think that if you want to smoke that you should be considerate of those who don't smoke and leave the area so that the smoke does not travel in their direction.

2. How might this policy affect businesses?
Most businesses already enforce the No Smoking policy.  Certain businesses like restaurants and bars will take a harder hit with this than other places of business.  But if it is a policy that everyone and every business has to follow than it shouldn't be such a big deal.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/23/14

1.  Why is it important to have Arab allies for this mission?
So we are not standing alone fighting these terrorists by ourselves.  We are in this together as the President called this a broad coalition.

2. How do you anticipate Syria will react?
Syria will find a way to come back at us. Terrorists are evil people and do not care who they hurt or how they hurt them.  They have always had a revenge type attitude.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bell RInger. 9/22/14

1.  Do you believe 16 year olds have the maturity to vote? Why?
 No, many 16 year olds are still highly influenced by their peers and cannot make a responsible decision on their own.

2. When should people be able to vote?
I think when people are capable of working and getting their own place should they be able to vote. They will understand politics and how the world should truly function and work. This will help in their decision making on who they should vote for.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/19/14

I feel that they may hamper the US as an official stated that the French government worries about those fighters when they return home. The United States and Britain also are worried about hundreds of their citizens who are fighting for the Islamic State.  For our military people who are still in the battle areas this is putting their lives in more danger making it harder to protect innocent people and complete their jobs. It could make it hard for them to distinguish who the enemy is and who isn't the enemy.

Bell Ringer 9/18/14

The article is about how new data from the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium Thats revealed that isis is putting governing structures in place to rule the territories the group  conquers. The researchers shows how isis  has gone from being a purely military force to building a system that can provide basic services, such as making sure that gas and food are available, to its new citizens. ISIS is turning into a government whose political decision-making cannot be separated from its military capabilities.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bell RInger 9/16/14

1.  What is reasonable punishment.
Reasonable punishment is when you do something wrong that you know you did and should get into trouble for. You should get punished. Not a severe one where you're not allowed to eat or something that's considered abuse but getting whipped is not extreme but one that you'll know not to do it again.

2.  How have views on discipline changed over past twenty years?
Discipline over the past twenty years have changed a lot.  In the past, most schools could paddle kids for being bad or disrespectful.  Now if you touch or whip a child in public you can be arrested for child abuse.  To many people are abusing the law these days causing kids to get out of hand because some parents fear the punishment. 

Bell Ringer 9/15/14

Parents should be aware of their children's behavior, who they are talking to and what they are talking about.  If a parent suspects that their child is up to something or that their behavior has changed in any way they should talk to them and search out answers.  Parents that are involved in their childrens lives will notice a change in their children, whether they are being sneaky or hiding out in their rooms and they should start their own investigation by cleaning out the childs room or searching their phone and computers for clues to what is going on before someone gets hurt and their child is labeled a killer and sitting the rest of their lives in prison.

Bell Ringer 9/17/14

Did that test.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell RInger 9/12/14

Its pretty crazy that West Virginia is now being watched because of terrorists. You wouldn't think that terrorist would come through these parts. Its shocking to think that in West Virginia there's people who are associated with  Al Quaida. That's my reaction to it. You don't want to believe it but its happening.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/9/14

1. Are you surprised by the desperate plea of restaurants for business?  No, everyone is struggling because of the high cost of everything and no one has the extra money to just spend and eat out causing the restaurants to take a hit as well.

2. How would or will this affect the American Society?  More and more businesses will suffer the loss of money and cause places to close which means people will lose their jobs.

3. Does a business' need for profits trump the over all health of Americans?  No, I feel that they are just trying to get people in the door by spending money but yet saving money at the same time. Most of the promotions are short term which should not cause any health hazards to Americans.

4. If you could eat at any restaurant for seven weeks for $100 what would the restaurant be and what would you choose for the meal?  Texas Roadhouse, They have a variety of grilled meats and vegetables. I would pick the 9oz House Sirloin, baked potato (no butter), green beans and a salad.

Bell RInger 9/8/14

In Charles town there lives a 92 year old man named Fred Mayer  whose family fled the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. Fred Mayer then joined the American OSS and volunteered to go back to Germany in 1945 as a spy. Fred is still active at 92 years old and still mows his girlfriends lawn and drives the Meals on Wheels van around his community. Most people in Charles town do not even know that Mayer volunteered to go back to Germany, parachuting into Austria near the town of Innsbruck to set up a spy ring by collecting valuable information for the Allies. They also do not know that Mayer was caught by the Gestapo and beaten for days by Nazi thugs who put a barrel of a pistol into his mouth breaking several of his teeth. He led one of the most daring spy missions of World War II. Mayers family was Jewish and when Hitler came to power in the 1930's his parents left the country and came to New York in 1938, one year before Hitler invaded Poland starting WWII. Mayer was known as a good soldier and could speak several European languages. In 1945 Mayer volunteered to take part in Operation Greenup which was a plan to scout out Austria's Alpine Redoubt, where Hitler and the most diehard Nazis were expected to make their final stand as Allied troops went further and further into Germany. In February 1945, Mayer and two other men parachuted into Austria and set up a spy ring with local agents. Mayer disgusied himself as a wounded soldier to gain information from others that were wounded. Mayer was beaten several times but still to this day does not hold any grudges against the Germans. Sen. Jay Rockefeller and his staff are trying to convince the secretary of defense to award Mayer the Medal of Honor for his part in the war. He is and should be considered a True American Hero - A Very Humble man willing to put his life on the line so that others could have freedom.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/5/14

1.  What dangers do fake towers pose to average citizens?
The damages these fake towers do is tap peoples calls and read there text messages and they slow there phones down from 4G to 2G.

2.  Why would they be located near military bases?
They are probably near them to terrorist can listen on to every plan being made or tapping in on tactics the military is using.

3.  Do you believe the US government may be behind the towers?  why/why not?
I wouldn't think the government would be behind it because they should know of everything that's going on in the first place. I say its terrorist or someone trying to get  information some how.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/4/14

1.  What impact will this have on India?
They will be on the watch list for sure after that video. Now id say actions will take place and things will go down since that video was made.
2.  Why are they targeting India?
They are targeting India by saying we did not forget you and will liberate you from injustice and oppression cause he wants to rule instead of the same people who have ruled India for 800 years, you who lit the flame of the one true God in the darkness of polytheism: how can you remain in your slumber when the Muslims of the world are awakening?
3.   How should the US react to this?
We should be on high alert as he announced that they should break all borders.

Bell Ringer 9/3/24

1.  Summarize what Rick Perry is accused of doing.
A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on two felony counts Friday, alleging that he abused his office and used a veto threat to coerce an elected district attorney to resign.

2. Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning?
Yes I agree, she shouldn't be able to stay in office for committing a crime and I would have done the same as he did.

Bell Ringer 8/29/14

1.  Who is to blame for this accident?
No one is really to blame when it was an accident. No one knew that it would come back and kill the instructor.
2.  Should nine year old children be able to shoot guns at a rife range.
Yes they should be allowed to shoot guns but it can only be a normal size gun not a automatic or anything.
 3.  Do you feel that  uzis and other automatic weapons ever belong in the hands of children?  Or in the hands of any human as a matter of fact?
No child under a certain age should be shooting an automatic gun so no it shouldn't be in there hands what so ever. Depends on the human and who it is. If its a drug dealer then no but if its someone fighting for our country then yes.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Briefly summarize each of the Articles of the Constitution.

Article 1
Article of the Constitution that defines the Legislative Branch, it's powers, members, and workings.
Article 2
Article of the Constitution that defines the Executive Branch, it's powers, duties, and means of removal.
Article 3
Article of the Constitution that sets up the Judicial Branch and defines treason.
Article 4
Article of the Constitution that regulates the states' powers, and their interaction with the National government.
Article 5
Article of the Constitution that sets up the amendment process.
Article 6
Article of the Constitution that sets the status of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to which leaders must be loyal.
Article 7
Article of the Constitution that addresses ratification and declares that the constitution should take affect if 9 out of 13 states ratify.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell RInger 8/27/14

The article is about how undergraduates came up with a new kind of nail polish that can detect the date rape drug. The nail polish changes colors if it detects that the drink has been messed with. The drawbacks of it could be that the person who knows about it and they did it to someone and they see that the person is stirring there drink and it changes color well they are caught and could take the person out. Or the person could get an allergic break out from it or the color changes in every drink they put there finger in.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/26/14

U.S. surveillance flights over Syria have started. USA today have reported that the flights will reported that the flights will provide information on potential targets for strikes in Syria of Obama approves.The initiative to plan intelligence was surveillance and reconnaissance missions over Syria was contained in the execution order that allowed for the airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/25/14

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article
The article is about an after shock that was magnitude-6.0. It took out buildings and people. The quake which knocked out power also hit a wine making industry on the eve of its harvest, and could result in more then $100 million in losses. At least 172 people were treated for injuries after the quake. Alot of buisness will be up and running but without a doubt there will be a financial hardship but they will get through it.
2. Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary.
The early morning earthquake centered about 6.7 miles underneath Northern California's wine country.  It's like most locales along the Pacific rim where the ocean crust and continental crust clash to create numerous faults and quakes.  All earthquakes spring from faults deep underground, but it can take scientists some time to identify the particular type of fault-line activity behind a specific earthquake. Which will be the case with Sunday’s Napa Valley quake since some reports said the quake was caused by the Franklin Fault, a crack in the Earth that they thought was dormant.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

The three biggest problems that the United States is facing is drugs, welfare, and exercise. There is so many ways we could eliminate the problems and make everything better and take things off the streets and get people working instead of staying at home and not doing nothing all day and getting out of shape unhealthy people motivated and get them doing things.

First off drugs, Drugs are everywhere and yes they are going to be hard to get off the streets but if there's a problem there's a solution as well. Depending on what kind of drugs the person is taking if its killing them let it kill them it would be one less person you would have to worry about. taking drugs off the streets are without a doubt going to be hard but if you know what to do you could easily set up someone and then take it back to the police and give them all the information and get them busted.

Second off welfare, Welfare is something that people with a disease or disability should get not someone who is just wanting not wanting to go out and make money but just to lay around all day that's unacceptable in my eyes you man up and go out and get a job so you can support your family and or yourself and you'll eventually see that in the end it will pay off. To be on welfare is you're just being lazy is embarrassing I mean who would want to get made fun of every day or people hating you because while you're at home not doing a thing other people are out here busting their butt to pay for you. So man up and go out a get a job unless you have a serious disease or a bad disability where you can't work but other then that get a job!!  

Exercise should be an everyday thing but you need it no matter what don't say you don't have time when you do. If you're out of shape everyone knows that the last thing on your mind is exercise well it wont kill you it will make you feel better by the end of the day. At the beginning it may feel rough and that you don't want to do it but if you keep at it guaranteed results will show and you will start living a healthier lifestyle and start feeling better about yourself and get yourself on a healthy diet instead of greasy food look for different ways to make it because it may seem stressful at the  start but when you start feeling better about yourself you know its paying off so you continue to do it.

That's some problems I think the United States is facing but if you do it right it will pay off or go get a job and not do drugs you will be a normal person and everything will start to come together and at the end of the day you will feel better about yourself and be thankful that you have a job and not on welfare and you exercise daily and not on drugs.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph

The article is about companies switching over or finding loopholes and also finding ways to lower tax jurisdictions. A company called Chiquita may be the next big company to invert. The company said that it would move forward with a plan to merge with an Irish company. Compainies are wanting to invert so they can spend piles of cash that they can't bring home becuase of a tax bill. Inversions are also much better from a corporations point of veiw because they can shift profits earned in the U.S. to it's lower tax overseas.

2.  What is the purpose of taxes?

To provide a revenue stream for government

To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor

To avoid negative externalities

3. Who should pay the most taxes?

Everyone should pay taxes yes it would be nice not to but its a way of life and you got to.
Whoever makes more money should pay more but not where you cant afford them becuase they are to high.

Bell Ringer 8/21/14

Research the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS.  Copy and paste two sites you visit about the event.  Then answer the questions: 1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?  What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything?

1. Its good its for a cause so its all worth it I think
2. Id say its probably been effective they've probably have raised a good amount of money so somewhere in it its benefitting it.
3. Do it in winter time where there is snow then dump the cold water on your head.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bell Ringer for 8/19/14

1.  Identify at least two mistakes made by local, county or state governments that have helped to increase an already tense situation.

President Obama releases a statement regarding the Brown incident. Its now making it worse since he's stepped in. Not being racial but now its going to be a big thing.
Tensions rise between protesters and police for the third consecutive night.

 2.  In your opinion, define excessive force.  Was excessive force used in the shooting of Michael Brown?

Excessive force where they take it to a whole other level of force.

Excessive force may have been in play but when he was wrestling for his gun that should of never happen he knew what he did wrong and should've stopped right then and there when police caught him.
3.  How would you restore order to Ferguson, MO?
I would've investigated it more and got more into it  then what did.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BELL RINGER for 8/18/2014

Dear Chandler,

What I hope to accomplish before the end of my high school career is get a top 3 in GNCC to finish out the year with and a high overall number.The beginning  of the 2015 GNCC series which starts in March I hope to kick off the season with a top ten since I will be moving up with pros and just trying to keep on better myself from there on out and how I can improve my skills and just reach the pro level and keep reaching accomplishments and start getting paid for racing and doing what I love every single day.

On August 18th 2015 I see myself waking up early going for a twenty plus mile road bike ride and then heading to the gym for training session and  going riding everyday to keep on improving myself and getting the quads dialed in perfect so it fits me just right and gets me more comfortable so then ill be getting my body physically fit and more ready for racing. Hopefully in the next year or  two I will eventually move and start making my own money from racing. My expectations are to better myself and get my on the right track to heading towards the pro class and getting big and making the big bucks and showing up in freight liners to the races and becoming factory Yamaha and getting paid from them. That's my expectations and how I need to prove myself and what I want to do with my life and how I want to do.
